Tuesday 16 August 2016

EdFringe Review: Adele is Younger Than Us at C nova

Adele is Younger Than Us
C nova
Running Time: 1 hour
Reviewed on Sunday 14th August 2016

Adele is Younger than us is an hour long musical comedy revolving around Sally and Rhiannon’s realisation that they are not, and sadly never will be, Adele.

Reading 'what have Sally and Rhiannon ever achieved? Two years of unemployment, a permanent shaving rash and four failed driving tests, the show's description excited me; but sadly I was left disappointed when Adele is Younger Than Us seemed to only cover one topic... boyfriends.

The EdFringe is filled with shows about the modern female in their mid twenties, trying to adult and forcefully accept that they won’t be married by the time they are twenty-five. Therefore if this fashionable topic is to be tackled then it must be strong, bold and diverse. Adele is Younger Than Us may feature some strong sketches, but ultimately the material is not bold enough and certainly not diverse.

There is no doubt Neads, O’Leary and Taylor are talented songwriters and this show had the foundations to be great, but unfortunately at this stage it did not materialise and although there were some excellent clowning moments, many of the jokes were awkward and predictable.

Reviewed by Lucy Beirne

Adele is Younger Than Us runs at C nova (times vary) until Monday 29th August 2016. Click here for info and tickets. 

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