Wednesday 17 August 2016

EdFringe Review: Verge of Strife at Assembly George Square Studios

Verge of Strife
Assembly George Square Studios
Running Time: 1 hour 15 minutes
Reviewed on Sunday 14th August 2016

Verge of Strife stars former In The Heights and EastEnders actor Jonny Labey as eccentric WWI poet Rupert Brooke. Based on Brooke's letters and poetry, Verge of Strife is an interesting piece with some beautiful moments, but ultimately the show falls flat.

The direction is all on one level; scenes lack excitement and the style feels extremely forced. There are some good performances; however, I wish more risks had been taken - it was all very safe and obvious. Brooke was clearly an interesting and alluring man, but Verge of Strife only begins to scratch the surface and fails to make its mark.

Reviewed by Andrew Tomlins (Editor)

Verge of Strife runs at Assembly George Square Studios (14:15) until Monday 29th August 2016. Click here for info and tickets.

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