Thursday 17 March 2016

Review: The Truth at the Menier Chocolate Factory

The Truth
Menier Chocolate Factory
Reviewed on Wednesday 16th March 2016

Florian Zeller strikes again! With The Father back in the West End and The Mother having recently completed its run at the Tricycle Theatre, Lindsay Posner's production of The Truth is making its UK premiere at the Menier Chocolate Factory.

Never leaving the stage, Alexander Hanson stars as a man having an affair with his best friend's wife. Once again Zeller manipulates his audience spectacularly; we're lulled into a false sense of security before having the carpet whipped out from beneath our feet. Nothing is quite as it seems - it's a fascinating exploration of humanity.

Adapted by Christopher Hampton, The Truth flows just as neatly as The Father and The Mother, but it's also very different in structure. There's a swish design from Lizzie Clachan which smoothly moves around to create different locations whilst Gregory Clarke's sound enhances the concentrated, slightly twisted atmosphere superbly. 

Hanson is stellar; his character should be handed a ginormous spade as he digs hole after hole. Always avoiding questions, Hanson's mannerisms intensify as things spiral into confusion. Supporting cast members Tanya Franks, Frances O’Connor and Robert Portal are equally as strong, often performing with haunting calmness and composure. 

The Truth is the kind of play you watch whilst sitting forward on your seat (fingers crossed we don't have to wait too long for Zeller's play The Lie to find its way to London). The lively press night audience were laughing out loud throughout - often in disbelief. The ninety minutes fly by, there are all sorts of twisted surprises along the way; you can't trust anybody... not even yourself. 

Reviewed by Andrew Tomlins (Editor)

The Truth runs at the Menier Chocolate Factory to 7th May 2016.
Please visit for further information and tickets.

Photo Credit: Marc Brenner

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