Wednesday 16 March 2016

Guest Blog: Trainee Producer Marcos Melo - Tricycle Takeover 2016

Marcos is a Trainee Producer at Tricycle Theatre, assisting with the Takeover 2016: Paradise Festival.

I have had the pleasure of popping into a richly cultured venue, known as the Tricycle Theatre, on a weekly basis for the past 6 months now, and each time I learn something that has benefitted me as a person and as a professional. My notebook looked like it was being bullied by my pen by the end of the 2 hour meetings as ideas, things to research and advice whizzed across from one end of the table to the other. Naturally this was inspiring, but at times it could be overwhelming as I sometimes struggled to keep up with the pace of what was being said, leaving me disappointed as I probably missed out on some gems.

If there wasn’t a Takeover at the end of the 6 months, I still would have learnt a lot from just the meetings. But there was, so there was more to learn and do. Each Trainee Producer was asked on their application form to come up with an idea for an event that they would like to put on. At the time I didn’t think much of it, I just wanted to be involved in something, so I completed my application and waited for a response. My idea was to put an event where art had no borders and no genres, it was simply a celebration of art as a whole.  

This was just a ‘nice’ idea I had at the time, nothing concrete, but as we progressed and the number of meetings grew, so did the realisation that this was actually going to happen… a worried excitement revealed itself more and more. I was excited to see my idea becoming real, in an almost Frankenstein-esque fashion, but I wasn’t sure how I would do this as I have never before worked on and produced an event on my own and I knew that in success or failure of my event, there would be lessons learnt throughout this process, until the end.

Now that my idea is only a few days away of becoming an amazing reality, I can already draw comparisons from when I started to… well, nearly the end, and I can see that I have learnt a lot; I am lucky to have been involved and no matter what happens from here to the end, I can be proud of myself and proud to have been thrown in the deep end of Tricycle Theatre’s unique community. I have met many great people, some on occasion and others regularly, but each have contributed to giving me an insight to the people of the Tricycle community and I am sure that in the coming days I will see and meet plenty more amazing individuals. Some of them probably haven’t even set foot in Tricycle Theatre before. It may be you reading this, if so I look forward to seeing you at Takeover 2016: Paradise…

Marcos Melo

The Tricycle Takeover 2016 continues until 23rd March 2016. 
Please visit for further information and tickets.

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