Friday 12 August 2016

EdFringe Review: Tamar Broadbent: Get Ugly at Laughing Horse @ Espionage

Tamar Broadbent: Get Ugly
Laughing Horse @ Espionage 
Running time: 1 hour
Reviewed on Thursday 11th August

It feels ironic that a show called Get Ugly can be so beautiful. It is beautifully honest, beautifully brutal and filled with beautiful moments of ‘it’s not just me? Oh thank god for that’.

Tamar Broadbent is back at the EdFringe with her new stand up, comedy musical Get Ugly. We join Broadbent in an intimate venue where she talks us through her break up (don’t feel too sorry for her, it turns out that she is excellent at being single) and being exposed to a world of singletons and tinder dates, all accompanied with impressive riffs and the odd knowing look to an unsuspecting audience member. What’s not to love? 

The show is charmingly funny from start to finish and Tamar takes control of the audience with ease. If you are no stranger to tinder, man buns, a Facebook horror story and trying to successfully adult then this is the show for you. And if that territory is unfamiliar, Tamar will educate you in a musical, endearing manner.

If I could give this show six stars then I would – Get Ugly is the must-see show at this year’s EdFringe.

Reviewed by Lucy Beirne

Tamar Broadbent: Get Ugly runs at Laughing Horse @ Espionage (17:30) until Sunday 28th August 2016. This is a free show, click here for info.

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