Tuesday, 16 August 2016

EdFringe Review: The School for Wives at C nova

The School for Wives
C nova
Running Time: 55 minutes
Reviewed on Saturday 13th August 2016

Based on Moliere’s play, The School for Wives by Roll-up Theatre is a shaken up, fifty-five minute version of the classic. The story follows Arnolphe, who has set his mind on marrying the intentionally ignorant Agnes, yet she has other ideas as she falls in love with a more suitable man, Horace. 

The cast is made up of six who muddle their way through the story with some nice scenes and clowning. Although there were many nice, comedic moments (mainly delivered by the actor playing Arnolphe), the slapstick and clowning routines were too clumsy and much of the humour was lost on the lack of conviction.

It's an enjoyable production, but when compared to other physical theatre pieces of a similar, clowning style it doesn't quite make its mark. Several scenes felt amateur, and some technical choices are odd. Credit is due to the young actress playing Agnes, who portrayed the role with a cunning eye shining through the layer of ignorance; her confident performance was spot on.

Reviewed by Lucy Beirne

The School for Wives runs at C nova until 20th August 2016 (14.00). Click here for further info and tickets.