Wednesday 1 June 2016

Review: Annie (UK Tour) at the Milton Keynes Theatre

Annie (UK Tour)
Milton Keynes Theatre
Reviewed on Monday 30th June 2016

I was worried that Annie - written by Charles Strouse, Martin Charnin and Thomas Meehan - may be beginning to feel a little dated in 2016, but was proved spectacularly wrong. 

Nikolai Foster's production of Annie is in fine shape as it reaches the final week of its year-long UK tour. Annie is a brilliant musical; it was wonderful to see so many reminiscing parents passing the experience of seeing the show down to the next generation of young excitable children who found themselves transfixed. 

From the moment the show begins classic song after song is performed. A lot of the singing is very nasal and whiny, but that's all part of its unique charm. The standard of the kids was exceptional; not a foot was put wrong and they couldn't have performed with more dedication. The girl I caught in the title role is a musical theatre star in the making.

Lesley Joseph seems to have an absolute ball as Miss Hannigan. Her portrayal may be unusually British, but she pulls off some crazy costumes and receives big laughs. It was such a treat to see Alex Bourne back onstage as Daddy Warbucks - he is perfectly cast in the role - whilst Holly Dale Spencer shines as Grace Farrell.

Annie is all about the big musical numbers and Nick Winston's choreography doesn't disappoint. The ensemble work hard throughout, bringing the show to life. I had the best time seeing Annie again after all these years, I only wish I had caught Foster's production sooner.

Reviewed by Andrew Tomlins (Editor)

Annie runs at the Milton Keynes Theatre until 4th June 2016.
Please visit for further information and tickets.

Photo Credit: Paul Coltas

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