Wednesday 21 September 2016

Review: No Man's Land starring Ian McKellen & Patrick Stewart at the Wyndham’s Theatre

No Man's Land 
Wyndham’s Theatre
Reviewed on Friday 16th September 2016

Harold Pinter's 1975 play No Man's Land is gloriously mystifying. Sean Mathias' production, which was previously seen on Broadway and recently embarked on a short UK tour prior to opening in the West End, is well paced and cleverly focused.

Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen truly are the dream team; they bounce off each other impeccably as ageing writers Hirst and Spooner. Stories are told, power is played with and complications arise when some visitors make an appearance.

Offering an absolute masterclass, Stewart and McKellen both seduce the audience with performances which are subtle yet detailed. They never give too much, allowing the audience to feel as if they're peering into Hirst’s house. Occasionally dipping once or twice, Mathias' production is mostly intriguing with many moments of light relief. 

No Man's Land feels like a real theatrical event; the theatre was packed and buzzing, and it's safe to say Stewart and McKellen live up to their legendary statuses - an evening to remember.

Reviewed by Andrew Tomlins (Editor)

No Man's Land runs at the Wyndham’s Theatre until 17th December 2016.
Please visit for further information and tickets.

Photo Credit: Johan Persson

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