Tuesday 7 June 2016

Review: The Rise And Fall Of Little Voice at the Union Theatre

The Rise And Fall Of Little Voice
Union Theatre
Reviewed on Saturday 4th June 2016

The Union Theatre has staged one final gem before relocating over the road to its new venue. Jim Cartwright's 1993 play tells a beautiful little story - I can't believe I've never caught it before. Alastair Knights' production stars Carly Thoms who gives a career defining performance as Little Voice, a shy girl with an extraordinary talent for impersonating classic divas.

Thoms' vocals - particularly at the top of the show where she impersonates Judy Garland - are impeccable. She grows with the piece and delivers some scorching scenes. Thoms plays alongside Charlotte Gorton as Little Voice's larger than life, in your face, man-hungry mother. Gorton aces the comedy and later explores her character in more depth. She steals scenes and certainly knows how to own a stage.

The rest of the cast - Ken Christiansen, Glenn Adamson, Mandy Dassa and James Peake - are all just as strong. Knights' production is staged in-the-round which suits the piece brilliantly; impressively not one side is neglected. The Union feels more intimate than ever, it's literally like you're peering into these characters' lives. 

The Union Theatre has put on some top notch work over the years, and The Rise And Fall Of Little Voice is up there with the best of them - it's an absolute must see. It is always sad to say goodbye to a venue we all know and love, but with the new venue to open next month the future looks very exciting...

Reviewed by Andrew Tomlins (Editor)

The Rise And Fall Of Little Voice runs at the Union Theatre until 25th June 2016.
Please visit www.uniontheatre.biz for further information and tickets.

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