Friday 10 June 2016

Producers of Funny Girl release new statement

The producers of Funny Girl - Sonia Friedman, David Babani and Scott Landis - have released the following statement:

"It is, and always has been, Sheridan’s and the producers’ intention that she will return to Funny Girl, and any speculation to the contrary is entirely inaccurate and unhelpful. Sheridan’s recovery from stress and exhaustion is the absolute priority. She is doing really well and is incredibly keen to return as soon as possible. 

"Following medical advice, her return to the production will be slightly later than originally anticipated - no later than week commencing 11th July. Natasha J Barnes, who has played Fanny Brice in recent weeks to great critical and public acclaim, will continue in the role until Sheridan's return."

West End Frame continues to send their best wishes to Sheridan Smith


  1. Best of luck Sheridan, get well soon.

  2. The understudy has been amazing, if not better. Seen both and the understudy actually seems happy and proud to be on stage and enjoys it.
    You can see it's more than a job, it's her passion and witnessing her on that stage was somthing else. She is a supernova.

  3. Agreed, Natasha was simply amazing! Curious to see Sheridan there any news on the cast recording of the show? I'm guessing Sheridan will be in it?
