Wednesday 25 May 2016

Review: The Great American Trailer Park Musical at the Waterloo East Theatre

The Great American Trailer Park Musical 
Waterloo East Theatre
Reviewed on Sunday 22nd May 2016

Having premiered off-Broadway in 2005, The Great American Trailer Park Musical is finally making its UK premiere at London's Waterloo East Theatre. The piece is set at the Armadillo Acres Trailer Park in Florida and follows various eccentric characters who live there.

Although Betsy Kelso's book is very flimsy, David Nehls' score is absolutely fantastic. I often have to listen to music several times before it grows on me, but I loved most of the numbers in The Great American Trailer Park Musical straight away.

You can't go wrong with a cast that features the original Carlotta, two Elphabas and a We Will Rock You legend. Before heading off on tour with Wicked, Jodie Steele is on hand to show off vocal gymnastics galore whilst Rosemary Ashe is joyously unrecognisable and embraces every moment. Michelle Bishop takes to the stage with some serious sass alongside Adam Vaughan and Joshua Dever who are both brilliant in their roles.

As the show progresses The Great American Trailer Park Musical essentially becomes a belt off between Sabrina Aloueche and Jemma Alexander - and they are both winners. Aloueche has such a rich tone to her voice, she owns her numbers and it's wonderful to see her back onstage in her element. Alexander has a unique tone to her voice; she's a powerhouse with alluring stage presence. She's a rare talent and one to keep an eye on.

Some of the comedy fell very flat, but the musical numbers drove the piece forward and the performance flew by in a flash. Kirk Jameson's production gets the tone spot on and doesn't take itself seriously. The Great American Trailer Park Musical is ridiculousness, silly and a lot of fun.

Reviewed by Andrew Tomlins

The Great American Trailer Trash Musical runs at the Waterloo East Theatre until 5th June 2016.
Please visit for further information and tickets.

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