Monday 9 May 2016

Review: The Buskers Opera at the Park Theatre

The Buskers Opera
Park Theatre
Reviewed on Wednesday 4th May 2016

Dougal Irvine's new musical The Buskers Opera feels at home at the Park Theatre. Taking us back a few years to the 2012 London Olympics, the musical - which is inspired by The Beggars Opera - is humorously relevant. There's never a dull moment; the drama begins when the Mayor's daughter gets pregnant by busker Macheath (George Maguire) who is also seeing another girl whose father is a 'puppet master' broadcaster.

Natasha Cottriall steals the spotlight, singing some of the show's best numbers whilst Lauren Samuels is also on hand to give a stellar performance. After excelling in many supporting roles over the past few years, it's a joy to see George Maguire stepping forward and leading a company - The Buskers Opera is without doubt Maguire's show; he performs the text and music as if it were written for him.

A strong contribution to London's growing off-West End new musical scene, a show like The Buskers Opera wouldn't work in the West End; Lotte Wakeham's production is perfectly suited to the intimacy of the Park Theatre. With scenes spoken in verse and the music featuring a variety of influences, The Buskers Opera is a quirky piece with the power to connect to people outside of a stereotypical musical theatre audience. Hats off to Dougal Irvine.

Reviewed by Andrew Tomlins (Editor)

The Buskers Opera runs at the Park Theatre until 4th June 2016.
Please visit for further information and tickets.

Photo Credit: Simon Annand

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