Thursday 6 November 2014

Review: Girlfriends at the Union Theatre

Union Theatre
Reviewed on Sunday 2nd November 2014

Marking the final show in the Union's triumphant Howard Goodall season, Girlfriends is a punchy musical set on an RAF Bomber Command base during World War II. Goodall's musical has a refreshing quality, the female dominated cast sound sensational when performing together - the sound bounces off the walls of the intimate Union Theatre, it's heavenly.

A few of the characters come across as shallow while I found the love stories a little bland and predictable. Nevertheless, the musical still has heart and is easily enjoyable. The running time feels long, perhaps moments could be refined for future revivals. 

The cast, some of whom are making their professional debuts, work hard throughout. It is their charm and talent which carries the show and keeps the pace moving. 

I am absolutely gutted that the Union's Howard Goodall's season is concluding! I've loved every minute, it has been nothing but a joy to discover some of Goodall's older work for the first time; it was also very special to revisit one of my all-time favourite musicals, Love Story. Goodall is a musical genius, the love, detail and care that he puts into his work always shines through.

Reviewed by Andrew Tomlins (Editor)

Girlfriends runs at the Union Theatre until 22nd November 2014.
Visit for info and tickets. 

Photo Credit: James Wallace

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