Sunday 16 November 2014

Album Review: If Everyone Was Listening by Michael Ball

If Everyone Was Listening
Michael Ball
Released on Monday 17th November 2014

Marking Michael Ball's nineteenth studio album, If Everyone Was Listening features music both old and new. The musical styles and influences vary, but impressively Ball brings them together with a consistent sound which runs throughout.

Sometimes albums by musical theatre artists can be intense and demand your full attention, but Ball's smooth vocals and the album's consistency in style makes If Everyone Was Listening an album which is incredibly easy to listen to regardless of what you are doing.

Some of my favourite tracks on the album are the more contemporary songs. With numbers such as 'The Climb' and 'I Won't Give Up', Ball brings out a new quality from within the lyrics. He sings with strength and experience, bringing a new layer to the songs which were made famous by Miley Cyrus and Jason Mraz respectively.

The country vibe which runs throughout If Everyone Was Listening is really refreshing. Ball may be known for belting out classic love songs, but he certainly reminds us that there is more to his talents than first meets the eye. This isn't a musical theatre album, but the inclusion of 'Falling Slowly' from Once is a lovely nod to Ball's theatrical career. I've heard so many versions of the song but Ball's certainly stands out, closing the album beautifully. 

If Everyone Was Listening is a personal album injected with such passion, detail and care. Regardless of whether Ball is releasing an album, performing in a concert or starring in a musical, it is always a treat to enjoy his incredible talents. I'm already excited to see what he does for album number twenty! 

Reviewed by Andrew Tomlins (Editor)

If Everyone Was Listening by Michael Ball is released on Monday 17th November 2014.

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