Monday 11 November 2013

Review: The Dead Wait at the Park Theatre

The Dead Wait
Park Theatre
Reviewed on Friday 8th November 2013

It's hard to know where to start when reviewing such a tremendously heart wrenching piece of theatre. The Dead Wait is written by Paul Herzberg who served as a conscript during the time of the Angolan war and also stars in the production. Delving into the horrific events which took place in 1989 during the Angolan war, The Dead Wait sees Josh Gilmore battle with humanity after he is ordered by Papa Louw to carry a wounded black freedom fighter, George, back to the border. The pair eventually form an unusual bond which makes matters slightly more complex.

The whole political context surrounding the piece is horrific and completely unimaginable. The emotional turmoil that Josh Gilmore and Papa Louw go through is both exhausting and gripping to watch. Austin Hardiman and Maynard Eziashi as Josh and George, alongside Paul Herzberg as Papa, give outstanding performances during the first act. To tackle such a tremendous piece is no easy task. 

The second act is peculiar as at no point does it match the same levels of tension or drama achieved during the first half. The play changes direction and tries to bring closure for Josh, but I did not find it particularly powerful which was a shame.

In 2002 The Dead Wait received its UK premiere at The Royal Exchange, but this new version marks the first time Paul Herzberg’s play has been seen in London. The play is partly based on Paul Herzberg’s own experiences of serving as a conscript during the time of the Angolan war which is evident as the piece is performed with such truth and depth. 

The writing could be tighter in places, particularly during the second act and opening sequence which sees direct address overused, the action should begin sooner. Thankfully it isn't all doom and gloom as Herzberg’s writing is very witty in places, even during some of the darkest moments.

The Dead Wait is an emotionally draining play, it is not something one is supposed to 'enjoy'. But if you are willing to emotionally invest and want to witness some mindblowingly brilliant performances then Paul Herzberg's play is a must see.

Reviewed by Andrew Tomlins (Editor)

The Dead Wait runs at the Park Theatre until Sunday 1st December 2013.
Please visit for further information and tickets.

Click here to read West End Frame's interview with Adelayo Adedayo who plays Lily.

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