Monday 23 September 2013

Review: Farragut North at the Southwark Playhouse

Farragut North
Southwark Playhouse (The Large)
Reviewed on Monday 16th September 2013

Directed by Guy Unsworth, Farragut North follows the ambitious Stephen Bellamy, played by Max Irons, who at only twenty-five is already press secretary to a candidate for the Democratic Party's presidential nomination. However, Stephen's career takes a dramatic turn following an unexpected phone call which leads to a heat in the moment decision...

Farragut North features some strong performances and, at times, is incredibly intense and gripping. However, the play is also slow in places and seems to go round in circles which becomes slightly frustrating. Long scenes are broken up with interesting, almost dream-like sequences which bring a touch of style to proceedings.

However, Beau Willimon's play doesn't only delve into the underworld of politics, but also into the world of secrets and love when Stephen begins an affair with a manipulative intern, Molly, played by Aysha Kala. Some of my favourite scenes were those between Stephen and Molly whose relationship is interesting as both are characters who know what they want. 

Max Irons shines as Stephen, he copes well in the demanding role and seems to live every step of Stephen's journey. Although Aysha Kala appears slightly wooden at times, her stage presence is seductive and her performance is occasionally detailed which works nicely in a more intimate space like the Southwark Playhouse.

A stand out performance also comes from Rachel Tucker who, in recent years, is more well known for her work in musical theatre. Rachel recently finished a three year stint playing Elphaba in Wicked so it’s truly exciting to see her sink her teeth into such a different role. She plays Ida, a sly journalist who will do whatever it takes to get a good story. While it was disappointing that Rachel didn't burst into song and fly mid-show, her performance was spot on, proving what a versatile actress she is.

Farragut North provides a gritty, intense evening at the theatre.

Reviewed by Andrew Tomlins (Editor)

Farragut North runs at the Southwark Playhouse until 5th October 2013.
Please visit for further information and tickets.

Click here to read our recent big interview with Rachel Tucker about Farragut North, her debut album and time in Wicked.

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