Sunday, 1 April 2012

Review: The Kings Speech - Better Than The Film?

The King's Speech
The Wyndham's Theatre

Last week I saw the play 'The King's Speech' at the Wyndham's Theatre in Leicester Square. As I walked into the theatre I realised I did not have a clue what I was about to see. Most people know the story as they have seen the hugely successful film (starring Colin Firth) which creates high expectations. What most people don't know however is that The King's Speech was originally written as a play but wasn't really performed as the film makers read the script and turned it into the film. I saw the production on 24th March when it was still in previews. At the moment it is running until 21st July 2012

Charles Edwards as Bertie
What I really liked about the play is that it was filled with great characters and actors. This really helped to carry the show. The play started with the naked future King standing centre stage with his back to the audience. While I have nothing against nudity I did think it was quite a random way to begin the play. It was quite amusing though as I could hear several audience members gasp, and one even screamed. Much to my amusment, an older lady in the row infront of me whispered to her friend 'now that's what I like to see'.  As you can imagine I found it very hard not to laugh.

The King's Speech had excellent humur and all the actors had great comic timing which I was impressed at since the production has only just begun. What I liked is that all the characters were strong, yet didn't cross the line from believable to over animated and stereotyped. This helped me to care more about the characters and made the final scene where the King delivers the speech much more powerful.

Charles Edwards was outstanding as Bertie (King George VI). He potrayed all the different sides of the King outstandingly. His characerisation changed when he was with his wife, public speaking, and talking to other people of different status' which made the character feel so real and relatable. Also I loved watching the relationship develop bewteen Bertie & Lionel (the speech therapist). This was like the love story of the show, watching these two men getting to know each other. Seeing the relationship grow and then their massive argument is just fantastic to watch. Most of their scenes together are quite long however they are so brilliant the time just flies by. 
Jonathan Hyde as Lionel and
Charles Edwards as Bertie

That brings me on to Jonathan Hyde who played Lionel. He was faultless. I loved how he kept it so simple and so raw. Many times he just stood there and looked at Bertie yet so much emotion and feeling was conveyed to the audience. He was very funny which made the audience warm to him quickly. I think Lionel was my favourite character, I loved the way he just treated the Bertie like any old person, it was so well written.

Other great performances from Michael Feast who was the only actor to really exageratte the character and go over the top playing the Archbishop Of Canterbury. However this really worked as every show does need that one, over the top character that the audience loves. I enjoyed watching Ian McNeice (from Doc Martin) as Winston Churchill although I think he needs some shorter trousers. He made me laugh everytime he came on stage before he even spoke, he has the best facial expressions. Emma Fielding was also great as Queen Elizabeth. Like Charles Edwards she showed the audience the different sides of Queen Elizabeth (the Queen Mother). And finally Charlotte Randle did a great job at playing loveable Myrtle. She was the character I felt the most sympathy for as she just wanted to go home. She was also incredibly funny in the scene where she came home to find the royals in her house and in the scene where Lionel announced she would be sitting in the Royal Box at the King's Coronation (I hope that's the right word?).

Emma Fielding as Queen Elizabeth & Charlotte Randle as Myrtle

This is a great play and I would throughout recommend it to most people. It has that feel good factor you would normally get from a musical which is rare to find in a play. As to how it compared to the film I cannot comment as I have not seen the film... yet. However the people I watched it with have seen the film and said while the film was excellent they got more into the story while watching the play and got more attached to the characters. Interestingly they commented what Charles Edwards made Bertie more 3D than Conlin Firth however that both actors are outstanding and really understand the character which is what makes their portrayals so powerful. 

So if I were you I would be logging onto to find out more and seeing the show before 21st July 2012! Tickets seem to be available from TKTS most days. Would love hear your thoughts on the production and how it compares to the film!


  1. I thought that the play was good however the film has that extra omph and has a better pace. Although i do agree with the fact that it is the first time i've seen a play where i've left feeling really inspired and up lifted, as if i'd just seen Billy Elliot or Legally Blonde or something.

    Would reccomend this to people 100%

  2. Surprised to hear the play is the orginal. When I heard about the play I presumed it was just a money making idea to try and continue the sucsess of the film. But obvioisly the play was the original and it sounds quite good, and I love a bit of naked theatre acting lol! Will be booking my tickets soon
