Monday, 12 March 2012

Poll: Best Performance Of A Song In A Musical

In shows actors come and go all the time. The best thing about theatre is that you will never see the same thing twice. We have some outstanding performers in the West End. All people in this poll are extemely talented people. You watch shows like X Factor and then go and see a West End Show and to me it is pretty obvious where this country's best singers can be found...

Vote below for which performer you think gives the best performance of a song, think about they way ther indervidual performs it. Will give this poll longer before anouncing the results! Thanks guys!

Best Performance Of A Song In A Musical


1 comment:

  1. Saw Rachel in Wicked on friday at the London Apollo Victoria. She was AMAZING, her performance reduced me to tears and when we went to the stage door she signed EVERYBODY'S autographs and did all the photographs that were asked of her, she was a delight and thoroughly deserves this award!
