Sunday, 26 February 2012

What's On Stage Awards 2012 - My Views

So, as many of you west end theatre fans will know, a week ago today (Sunday 19 February 2012) the 'Whats On Stage' Awards 2012 took place at the Prince of Wales Theatre. This was the first year that the show was broadcast online so, throughout the evening I dipped in and out of the broadcast. I thought that it was excellent that you could watch it online, this follows in the footsteps of the Laurence Olivier Awards which last year could be seen by pressing the red button. However I did feel the coverage wasn't brilliant and the presenter (not quite sure who he has) seemed a little bit lost throughout the interviews however I did feel sorry as nobody seemed to actually answer the questions being asked.

Anyway, the voting statistics and acceptance speeches have been published on Whats On Stage and can be viewed by clicking here

Cassie Levy with Richard Fleeshman
(winner of 'Best Actor In A Musical')
I was very happy at Ghost picking up more technical awards for Set Design and Lighting Design as technically  I think it is the bets show I have ever seen. However thing I loved most about Ghost is the way one seconds all these special effects would be used and you would be sitting there going 'wow this looks amazing' and then suddenly the next Cassie Levy just sat on the floor, leaning on a sofa and sung arguably one of the most beautiful songs of a new musical. For that reason I think it was a great shame she was overlooked in the Best Actress In A Musical award. I saw Cassie in her last performance in the west end, before leaving to Broadway and there is something about her voice, when you here it live that is just amazing. In Rain/Hold on she hit the most incredible notes and I am sure she will do amazing in Broadway and I'm sure she will pick up more awards. Richard Fleeshman must have been happy to get his hard eared award for best actor in a play, especially as he flew back from Broadway, especially for the awards! Also do not be mistaken and think I am saying Amanda Holden didn't deserve her award as despite what some critics and theatre fans said i thought she actually was very good in Shrek. She owned the stage and led the cast which is something missing from the show now that she has gone, like when Sheridan Smith left Legally Blonde.

Andrew Lloyd Webber's
reaction to his award...
I thought it was great Hannah Waddingham won best supporting actress for a musical as I thought she was great in the wizard of oz. I really like what Andrew Lloyd Webber did with the show and I think it transformed the Wicked Witch into a much better, more exciting part so she has much to thank Webber for! For that reason I also think it was right The Wizard Of Oz won best revival. 

Nigel Harmen finishes in Shrek The Musical tomorrow night, Neil McDermott must be feeling very nervous today as he has a very tough act to follow! Nigel is hilarious as Lord Farquaad and rightly won Best Supporting Actor In A Musical. Another show winning three awards was Matilda, this only makes me want to see it more as I have only heard amazing things about it! I've got the soundtrack which is slowly growing on me and I will be sure to write a full review after I see it in the coming months. Another show that I have yet to see that did well was One Man, Two Guvnors, I think I am going to wait until it is at The Royal Haymarket as it is my favourite theatre.

Susan McFadden with the
cast of Legally Blonde
...and finally Best Takeover Of A Role must have been one of the toughest categories at this years awards  with, in my opinion, all nominees deserving to win. Although I did think it was a shame Susan McFadden didn't win as she is one of the most underrated actresses in the West End and had one of the hardest jobs in the world, taking over from Sheridan Smith as Elle Woods in Legally Blonde - I wouldn't want to have been in her shoes! Despite having a short run I thought, vocally, she is the strongest Elle there has been and it is a shame she didn't get any recognition for her hard work and talent.

So - that is my first review done!! I'm exhausted! Hope you didn't find that boring and completely pointless. I have begun work on a review of Legally Blonde and I have written a mini article for the cast members leaving Shrek The Musical to be posted tomorrow... until then... thanks for reading!

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